Sunday, March 16, 2014

Check Yourself

Have you ever heard the phrase "If mama ain't happy ain't no one happy"? I'm sure you have! You might have even said it once or twice or often. Ha.  Well, today I want to help you get that mind set out of your thinking. I like to think it should say, "If mama ain't happy she needs to get over it!"

We are the ones who control how we are. Bad days have no hold on me. Broken relationships have no hold on me. Children who do not want to clean their room DO NOT have a hold on me. I'm talking about our attitude, our hearts. We are to guard our hearts. We can be so quick to jump at our children, husbands, and sometimes even bite off the head of our girlfriends talking to them about all our frustrations at home, but if we can be real honest with ourselves lets admit that it isn't THEM who make us "crazy", it is ourselves!

I totally believe that it is up to me, the homemaker, excuse me, domestic engineer to set the atmosphere in my home. If I am miserable, there's a good chance my kids will be miserable. If I am frustrated or selfish there's a good chance my family will respond that way, too!

Let's face it, mama's need time outs every now and then. In that time we should strengthen ourselves by reminding us that we are called and anointed to be a mom and a wife, a daughter, and a great friend. It is Him who gives us the ability to do what we are called to do. No matter how many times I have to tell my kids to get in the shower, clean your room, finish your homework, get off the iPad, etc. I am working on keeping the peace between me and them. When my wonderful husband doesn't help me wash the dishes (hehe) I'm not going to let that little thing ruin my quiet time in the kitchen. I'm sure you can think of a few more situations on your own.

I hope you get what I am saying. How many of you can relate to this? Lets take inventory of our own behavior tonight. Are we leading our home (with our husbands..for those who are married) in peace or chaos? I choose to have peace in me and therefore I will have it in my home.

Be blessed tonight! Prayers for a sweet peace for you. *Patty*

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