Saturday, March 22, 2014

God Saved Me

God saved me today.
While squatting low to take this picture something ignited a leap in me that saved me from a snake that had jumped toward me from the wall that was inches away from my right side. It was the craziest thing. As I stood up I immediately began to jump around because as I looked down I saw what had leaped from the was a snake, a good size one, too. I let out a scream because I was pretty freaked out. It was constantly moving around my feet and where I was there wasn't a lot of room to go except for me to jump around. I tried to move from it and as I looked back down at it to see where it went I saw it turn and go right into the river. My God! All I could think of was "the devil's a liar"! HG was running towards us (me and the girls who were a foot or two away from me). He saw that snake from where he was. Guys, God is real. As I thought about what happened I told HG I couldn't even remember seeing that snake. I was too focused trying to get this beautiful shot of the waterfall. I know it was God leaping in me. His word tells me that He will protect and will not let evil come near me. God is so real, my friends. If you are in Him He is in you!

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